Rethinking Competitive Advantage, New Rules for the Digital Age, Cornerstone, Ram Charan,Organizational theory & behaviour,Business & management, simon sinek; start with why; ray dalio; good to great; silicon valley; the lean startup; tools of titans; measure what matters; leaders eat last; seth godin; grant cardone; the hard thing about hard things; good strategy bad strategy; no rules rules; the four hour work week; the culture code; the infinite game; the everything store; to sell is human; the personal mba; do hard things; built to last; super pumped; robert cialdini; this is marketing; nir eyal; no filter; jim collins; facebook the inside story; radical candor by kim scott; reed hastings,, , United Kingdom, en-GB sinek; start with why; ray dalio; good to great; silicon valley; the lean startup; tools of titans; measure what matters; leaders eat last; seth godin; grant cardone; the hard thing about hard things; good strategy bad strategy; no rules rules; the four hour work week; the culture code; the infinite game; the everything store; to sell is human; the personal mba; do hard things; built to last; super pumped; robert cialdini; this is marketing; nir eyal; no filter; jim collins; facebook the inside story; radical candor by kim scott; reed hastings, [BLURB],[CITY],,books, ebooks, biblet, Book2look