Making Numbers Count, The art and science of communicating numbers, Transworld, Chip Heath,Data analysis: general,Research & information: general, stocking fillers for men; christmas gifts for men; christmas gifts for women; stocking fillers women; simon sinek; brian cox; the power; matthew syed; lie to me; humble pi; life 3.0; tim harford; how to own the world; made to stick; how not to be wrong; adam grant; things to do; the art of statistics; think again; how to make the world add up; how to lie with statistics; the undercover economist; thomas piketty; hello world hannah fry; option b; things to make; tom cox; matt parker; how to read numbers; david spiegelhalter; jordan ellenberg; fake news; babel,, , United Kingdom, en-GB fillers for men; christmas gifts for men; christmas gifts for women; stocking fillers women; simon sinek; brian cox; the power; matthew syed; lie to me; humble pi; life 3.0; tim harford; how to own the world; made to stick; how not to be wrong; adam grant; things to do; the art of statistics; think again; how to make the world add up; how to lie with statistics; the undercover economist; thomas piketty; hello world hannah fry; option b; things to make; tom cox; matt parker; how to read numbers; david spiegelhalter; jordan ellenberg; fake news; babel, [BLURB],[CITY],,books, ebooks, biblet, Book2look