It's in the Action, Memories of a Nonviolent Warrior, University of Georgia Press, C. T. Vivian, Steve Fiffer,Social Activists,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY, civil rights; movement; nonviolence; protest; nonviolent; activism; activist; segregation; discrimination; integration; sit-in; Freedom Ride; faith; religion; religious; church; God; Christian; biography; memoir; history; Gandhi; Nashville; Tennessee; Atlanta; Illinois; Chicago; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; SCLC; black; African American; John Lewis; law enforcement; police; police brutality; bravery; resistance; racism; bigotry; Selma; Alabama; Georgia; South; Jim Crow; white; equality; justice; Martin Luther King; bible; biblical; social; progressive; Bloody Sunday; Obama; Diane Nash; Mississippi; St Augustine; Birmingham; disparity; inequality; slavery; literacy; literature; reading; march; Kennedy; direct action; civil disobedience; Peoria; boycott; George Wallace; Marion; urban; law; legal; voting; Jimmie Lee; murder; poverty; Jim Clark; preach; preaching; pastor; violent; violence; Montgomery; jail; Ku Klux Klan; president; Israel; Egypt; Jewish; Medgar; color; civil rights; movement; nonviolence; protest; nonviolent; activism; activist; segregation; discrimination; integration; sit-in; Freedom Ride; faith; religion; religious; church; God; Christian; biography; memoir; history; Gandhi; Nashville; Tennessee; Atlanta; Illinois; Chicago; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; SCLC; black; African American; John Lewis; law enforcement; police; police brutality; bravery; resistance; racism; bigotry; Selma; Alabama; Georgia; South; Jim Crow; white; equality; justice; Martin Luther King; bible; biblical; social; progressive; Bloody Sunday; Obama; Diane Nash; Mississippi; St Augustine; Birmingham; disparity; inequality; slavery; literacy; literature; reading; march; Kennedy; direct action; civil disobedience; Peoria; boycott; George Wallace; Marion; urban; law; legal; voting; Jimmie Lee; murder; poverty; Jim Clark; preach; preaching; pastor; violent; violence; Montgomery; jail; Ku Klux Klan; president; Israel; Egypt; Jewish; Medgar; color,, , United States, en-UShttps://ugapress.orgcivil rights; movement; nonviolence; protest; nonviolent; activism; activist; segregation; discrimination; integration; sit-in; Freedom Ride; faith; religion; religious; church; God; Christian; biography; memoir; history; Gandhi; Nashville; Tennessee; Atlanta; Illinois; Chicago; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; SCLC; black; African American; John Lewis; law enforcement; police; police brutality; bravery; resistance; racism; bigotry; Selma; Alabama; Georgia; South; Jim Crow; white; equality; justice; Martin Luther King; bible; biblical; social; progressive; Bloody Sunday; Obama; Diane Nash; Mississippi; St Augustine; Birmingham; disparity; inequality; slavery; literacy; literature; reading; march; Kennedy; direct action; civil disobedience; Peoria; boycott; George Wallace; Marion; urban; law; legal; voting; Jimmie Lee; murder; poverty; Jim Clark; preach; preaching; pastor; violent; violence; Montgomery; jail; Ku Klux Klan; president; Israel; Egypt; Jewish; Medgar; color; civil rights; movement; nonviolence; protest; nonviolent; activism; activist; segregation; discrimination; integration; sit-in; Freedom Ride; faith; religion; religious; church; God; Christian; biography; memoir; history; Gandhi; Nashville; Tennessee; Atlanta; Illinois; Chicago; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; SCLC; black; African American; John Lewis; law enforcement; police; police brutality; bravery; resistance; racism; bigotry; Selma; Alabama; Georgia; South; Jim Crow; white; equality; justice; Martin Luther King; bible; biblical; social; progressive; Bloody Sunday; Obama; Diane Nash; Mississippi; St Augustine; Birmingham; disparity; inequality; slavery; literacy; literature; reading; march; Kennedy; direct action; civil disobedience; Peoria; boycott; George Wallace; Marion; urban; law; legal; voting; Jimmie Lee; murder; poverty; Jim Clark; preach; preaching; pastor; violent; violence; Montgomery; jail; Ku Klux Klan; president; Israel; Egypt; Jewish; Medgar; color, [BLURB],[CITY],,books, ebooks, biblet, Book2look