The Chosen for Kids – Book One, 40 Days with Jesus, BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC, Amanda Jenkins,Religious/Christian/Devotional & Prayer,JUVENILE NONFICTION, Gospels;TV series;Jesus stories;story of Jesus;life of Jesus;the sermon on the mount;simon the zealot;Samaritans;messiah;devotional;easy to understand devotions;the chosen tv series;inspirational;children’s devotional;devotional for kids,, , United States, en-UShttps://broadstreetpublishing.comGospels;TV series;Jesus stories;story of Jesus;life of Jesus;the sermon on the mount;simon the zealot;Samaritans;messiah;devotional;easy to understand devotions;the chosen tv series;inspirational;children’s devotional;devotional for kids, [BLURB],[CITY],,books, ebooks, biblet, Book2look