NKJV, Lucado Encouraging Word Bible, Holy Bible, New King James Version, Thomas Nelson, Thomas Nelson,New King James Version/Study,BIBLES, NKJV; new king james version; Max Lucado; Jesus; Encouraging Word Bible; Encouragement; Discouragement; Daily Bible; Jesus Book; Devotional Bible; life lessons; 9781400214693; reading plans; encouraging bible; wide margin; journal bible; English translation; niv; new international translation; esv; bob goff; Study Bible; love does; crazy love; prayer; healing; spiritual healing; ethics;bestselling author; ny times author; inspirational;holy bible; walk in love;grace; Charles Stanley; family relationship;suicide; comparison; facebook; textbook; oak hills church; unshakeable hope; no wonder they call him savior; anxiety; depression; faith; he chose the nails; hope; grief; books about hope; finding comfort; inadequacy; weary heart; dangerous prayers; craig groeschel,, , United States, en-UShttps://www.harpercollinschristian.comNKJV; new king james version; Max Lucado; Jesus; Encouraging Word Bible; Encouragement; Discouragement; Daily Bible; Jesus Book; Devotional Bible; life lessons; 9781400214693; reading plans; encouraging bible; wide margin; journal bible; English translation; niv; new international translation; esv; bob goff; Study Bible; love does; crazy love; prayer; healing; spiritual healing; ethics;bestselling author; ny times author; inspirational;holy bible; walk in love;grace; Charles Stanley; family relationship;suicide; comparison; facebook; textbook; oak hills church; unshakeable hope; no wonder they call him savior; anxiety; depression; faith; he chose the nails; hope; grief; books about hope; finding comfort; inadequacy; weary heart; dangerous prayers; craig groeschel, [BLURB],[CITY],,books, ebooks, biblet, Book2look