NIV Lectio Bible: A simple, ancient way to read the library of Scripture, The Practicing the Way edition with an introduction by John Mark Comer, Zondervan, HarperCollins Publishers,New International Version/Reading,BIBLES, John mark comer bible;practicing the way;reading bible;readers bible;reader’s bible;simple bible;bible with no chapter numbers;bible with no verse numbers;immerse;niv;new international version;lectio divina;dallas Willard;eradication of hurry;vintage church;Bridgetown church;rule of life;rule of life bible;practicing the way bible;uninterrupted;distraction-free;eliminate distractions in bible reading;nlt messiah;,, , United States, en-UShttps://www.harpercollinschristian.comJohn mark comer bible;practicing the way;reading bible;readers bible;reader’s bible;simple bible;bible with no chapter numbers;bible with no verse numbers;immerse;niv;new international version;lectio divina;dallas Willard;eradication of hurry;vintage church;Bridgetown church;rule of life;rule of life bible;practicing the way bible;uninterrupted;distraction-free;eliminate distractions in bible reading;nlt messiah;, [BLURB],[CITY],,books, ebooks, biblet, Book2look