The Voice of Business, Hill & Knowlton and Postwar Public Relations, The University of North Carolina Press, Karen S. Miller,Public Relations,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS, business history; John W. Hill; public opinion; post-World War II America; Procter & Gamble; Texaco; Gillette; Avco Manufacturing; steel; tobacco; aviation; trade associations; conservative; political debate; news media; postwar military aircraft military procurement; deregulation of margarine production; President Truman's seizure of steel mills in 1953-54; media history; Luther Hartwell Hodges Series on Business, Society, and the State,, The Luther H. Hodges Jr. and Luther H. Hodges Sr. Series on Business, Entrepreneurship, and Public Policy, United States, en-UShttps://uncpress.orgbusiness history; John W. Hill; public opinion; post-World War II America; Procter & Gamble; Texaco; Gillette; Avco Manufacturing; steel; tobacco; aviation; trade associations; conservative; political debate; news media; postwar military aircraft military procurement; deregulation of margarine production; President Truman's seizure of steel mills in 1953-54; media history; Luther Hartwell Hodges Series on Business, Society, and the State, [BLURB],[CITY],NC,books, ebooks, biblet, Book2look