Jacksonian Antislavery and the Politics of Free Soil, 1824-1854, , The University of North Carolina Press, Jonathan H. Earle,History & Theory,POLITICAL SCIENCE, Jacksonian Democrats; free soil; David Wilmot; Marcus Morton; John Parker Hale; President Martin Van Buren; antislavery reform; egalitarianism; New York; New Hampshire; Massachusetts; Ohio; antislavery reform; evangelical perfectionism; Slave Power,, , United States, en-UShttps://uncpress.orgJacksonian Democrats; free soil; David Wilmot; Marcus Morton; John Parker Hale; President Martin Van Buren; antislavery reform; egalitarianism; New York; New Hampshire; Massachusetts; Ohio; antislavery reform; evangelical perfectionism; Slave Power, [BLURB],[CITY],NC,books, ebooks, biblet, Book2look