North Carolina beyond the Connected Age, The Tar Heel State in 2050, The University of North Carolina Press, Michael L. Walden,Development/Economic Development,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS, the future economy; the future of work; the world in 2050; North Carolina in 2050; technological unemployment; economic transformation; population projections; employment projections; aging population; in-migration; urbanization; geographic disparities; income inequality; improving K-12 education; improving college education; college costs; education and economic development; rural economic development; state tax systems; state public spending; environmental costs; renewable fuels; millennial politics; generational politics,, , United States, en-UShttps://uncpress.orgthe future economy; the future of work; the world in 2050; North Carolina in 2050; technological unemployment; economic transformation; population projections; employment projections; aging population; in-migration; urbanization; geographic disparities; income inequality; improving K-12 education; improving college education; college costs; education and economic development; rural economic development; state tax systems; state public spending; environmental costs; renewable fuels; millennial politics; generational politics, [BLURB],[CITY],NC,books, ebooks, biblet, Book2look