Hallazgo y traducción de poesía chilena, , Editorial A Contracorriente, Dave Oliphant,Poetry,LITERARY CRITICISM, Dave Oliphant; poetry translator; Chilean poetry; poetry in Chile; Cosmic Canticle; Ernesto Cardenal; comparative study Vicente Huidobro and Nicanor Parra; comparative study Nicanor Parra and Miguel de Cervantes; comparative study Enrique Lihn and Federico García Lorca,, Literatura y Cultura, United States, en-UShttps://uncpress.orgDave Oliphant; poetry translator; Chilean poetry; poetry in Chile; Cosmic Canticle; Ernesto Cardenal; comparative study Vicente Huidobro and Nicanor Parra; comparative study Nicanor Parra and Miguel de Cervantes; comparative study Enrique Lihn and Federico García Lorca, [BLURB],[CITY],NC,books, ebooks, biblet, Book2look