Black for a Day, White Fantasies of Race and Empathy, The University of North Carolina Press, Alisha Gaines,Ethnic Studies/African American Studies,SOCIAL SCIENCE, Empathetic racial impersonation; racial passing; Dixie terror; Rachel Dolezal; John Howard Griffin; Grace Halsell; Ray Sprigle; Black.White.; passing for black; cross-racial empathy; racial experimentation; blackface minstrelsy; temporary blackness; white ally; transracial; Gunnar Myrdal; An American Dilemma; Myrdalian liberalism; walking in someone else’s shoes; walking in someone else’s skin; Southern white liberals; white liberals; passing in reverse; narratives of racial impersonation; racial authenticity,, , United States, en-UShttps://uncpress.orgEmpathetic racial impersonation; racial passing; Dixie terror; Rachel Dolezal; John Howard Griffin; Grace Halsell; Ray Sprigle; Black.White.; passing for black; cross-racial empathy; racial experimentation; blackface minstrelsy; temporary blackness; white ally; transracial; Gunnar Myrdal; An American Dilemma; Myrdalian liberalism; walking in someone else’s shoes; walking in someone else’s skin; Southern white liberals; white liberals; passing in reverse; narratives of racial impersonation; racial authenticity, [BLURB],[CITY],NC,books, ebooks, biblet, Book2look