How Local Politics Shape Federal Policy, Business, Power, and the Environment in Twentieth-Century Los Angeles, The University of North Carolina Press, Sarah S. Elkind,Corporate & Business History,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS, how local politics shape federal policy; business, power, and the environment in 20th century Los Angeles; Los Angeles environmental problems; Los Angeles pollution; disparities between business and local groups in Los Angeles; Los Angeles depends on the federal government,, The Luther H. Hodges Jr. and Luther H. Hodges Sr. Series on Business, Entrepreneurship, and Public Policy, United States, en-UShttps://uncpress.orghow local politics shape federal policy; business, power, and the environment in 20th century Los Angeles; Los Angeles environmental problems; Los Angeles pollution; disparities between business and local groups in Los Angeles; Los Angeles depends on the federal government, [BLURB],[CITY],NC,books, ebooks, biblet, Book2look