Southern Cultures, The Fifteenth Anniversary Reader, UNC Center for the Study of the American South, Harry L. Watson,United States/State & Local/South (AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV),HISTORY, South; American South; redneck; GWTW; Confederate; Civil War; Kudzu; blues; region; Mississippi; pride; identity; Larry J. Griffin; Anthony Walton; Mart Stewart; Vann Woodward; Catherine W. Bishir; Michael Montgomery; John Shelton Reed; Franlin Forts; country music; Atticus Finch; James C. Cobb; Adam Gussow; Joseph Crespino; segregation; sotherners; Theda Purdue; David Goldfield; Timothy B. Tyson; Thomas A. Tweed; Steve Oney; stereotypes; Derek H. Alderman; Donna G Segner Alderman; Patrick Huber; Dwight B. Billings; Kathleen M. Blee; Appalachia; Kentucky; Tennessee; Louis M. Kyriadoudes; Peter A. Coclanis; S. Jonathan Bass; traditions; Drew Glipin Faust; Dan Pierce; Trudier Harris; Elizabeth Boyd; Charles Reagan Wilson /,, , United States, en-UShttps://uncpress.orgSouth; American South; redneck; GWTW; Confederate; Civil War; Kudzu; blues; region; Mississippi; pride; identity; Larry J. Griffin; Anthony Walton; Mart Stewart; Vann Woodward; Catherine W. Bishir; Michael Montgomery; John Shelton Reed; Franlin Forts; country music; Atticus Finch; James C. Cobb; Adam Gussow; Joseph Crespino; segregation; sotherners; Theda Purdue; David Goldfield; Timothy B. Tyson; Thomas A. Tweed; Steve Oney; stereotypes; Derek H. Alderman; Donna G Segner Alderman; Patrick Huber; Dwight B. Billings; Kathleen M. Blee; Appalachia; Kentucky; Tennessee; Louis M. Kyriadoudes; Peter A. Coclanis; S. Jonathan Bass; traditions; Drew Glipin Faust; Dan Pierce; Trudier Harris; Elizabeth Boyd; Charles Reagan Wilson /, [BLURB],[CITY],NC,books, ebooks, biblet, Book2look